Thursday, July 1, 2010

Pre-potty training and Ode to cloth diapers

In honor of BumGenius launching their new 4.0s I wanted to talk about cloth diapering and how much I LOVE it!!! I didn't start out with the BumGenuis, as they are a rather expensive diaper, but I can't imagine my life without them now. Here is my cloth diapering story with Kora.

I decided when I was pregnant that I wanted to use cloth diapers and did a lot of research via the internet and speaking with friends who had cloth diapered before deciding what I was going to use. I had some other issues when we first came home so we didn't officially start the CD'ing until Kora was around 2-3 months old. Even then, we didn't have much money so I started out with prefolds (think the type of cloth diapers you use for burp cloths) and waterproof covers. We used those for about a month or so until I found someone selling used BumGenuis on Craigslist for a steal and was able to get to them before the hordes of other people could! From that moment on it has been L-O-V-E. I do also have a few Kushies (all in ones that can be bought off WalMart's site) that my little bro had given me when she was born that I use as back-ups but they definitely can't hold a candle to my BG's. I also have another pocket diaper I found later called SmartiPants that are very similar to the BG's but have snaps and openings in both the front and back of the diaper for the inserts. In all my CDing experience has been an awesome one and I am definitely a proponent for them. (Just ask my husband who laughs everytime he hears me talking to a new mom or mom-to-be and offering to show my diapers!) While we're on the subject of when she was little there is an awesome group in the Raleigh area available for breastfeeding mommies called Nursing Mothers of Raleigh. The issues we had that prevented immediate CDing were with breast feeding and the support my husband and I got from the members of this group was overwhelmingly helpful in every possible way. So, if you know anyone who is a new mom (struggling or not) and breastfeeding please refer them to this group.

On to the Pre-Potty training. We're not really trying to potty-train Miss Kora, as she is NOT ready for it, but I am having her sit on her potty occasionally so she can get used to it and know what it's for, etc. So far, she's peed in front of it twice, peed in it once (purely by accident I'm convinced)and pooped in other areas of the house twice. Oh, the joy we have to look forward to when we officially start! Wish us luck!

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